The ultimate reading list

We are curious and read widely. We collect different articles and research papers which relate to our work. Here are some of our favourites, that we share often:

Virtual teams

Why we do what we do stays the same, the how we do it changes in a virtual world.

Cognitive Biases

Much of our insight comes from why we think the way we do and what we do about it, often known as our cognitive biases.

Small steps and habits

We believe in a small step approach to making changes. Our thinking came from working out how to bring about organizational change when an organization is in cognitive overload. For many years we have promoted evolution over revolution.

  • Similar concepts are borne out by the work from BJ Fogg on Tiny Habits   

  • We also like The power of habit by Charles Duhigg, an NYT journalist who found his own way to creating rituals to nudge his own behaviors. His NYT article can be found here

  • If you are wondering about the benefits of exercise. This TED Talk by Wendy Suzuki on the brain chainging benefits might help

Positive Thinking

Then we looked into being positive. The source that really changed our thinking on the subject was not a book, but a Coursera course, one that I recommend time and time again. It is my go-to for positive thinking, the neuroscience behind our brains, sources of resilience, and how to be more inspiring.

Tribes and Groups

Tribes (aka Teams or Groups) have their own dynamics and a natural competition.

  • Sapiens is a great introduction into why we have tribes and the moment when a small company has to shift from ‘trust the people’ to ‘trust the process’.

  • For intergroup conflict the Realistic Conflict Theory (RCT) and the Robbers Cave experiment. These play into our understanding of tribes (groups and/or teams).

  • How social relationships affect our physical and mental health. Social relationships and health helps us understand that the connections we have are important to us.

  • This TED talk reinforces the importance of finding common ground and how it can help in solving disagreements.

  • Why you need to invest in closer relationships and friendships and how to make them happen. This NYT article gives some practical hints and tips.

  • This is one of the MOST powerful videos you will watch about how to break down the barriers between tribes. Created by Heineken, it is one to return to. They use many of the techniques we adopt in Irrational Change.

Communicating Effectively

Communication is one of three tactics to make change. As a change agent you need to be a skilled communicator. Here are some of the papers and courses which have inspired us


Breaking down barriers


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