Download your Big Goals Planning Worksheet

Our interactive template walks you through a planning process which will help you get to your BIg Goals, and the actions to reach them.

The worksheet takes you through a guided process, work through each step in sequence

  1. When I am at my best: Reflect on when you are at your best, your most creative and at your worst. What are the patterns that you see. What can you learn from them?

  2. My perfect day: Think 5+ years into the future. What would your perfect day look like? By writing it down you are creating a blueprint for the choices that you will make. This can be the hardest exercise. There are no constraints and no obligation to share with others.

  3. Three things: Reflect on three achievements, three distractions, three learnings and three things that you want to do differently. This creates a great foundation for our next task

  4. Three Big Goals: Choose three big goals that you want to focus on, work, personal, whatever works for you. Write down what good (and bad) looks like.

  5. Actions: With your three big goals, what actions are you going to take, and are they short term, medium term or long term. Which ones have the most impact?

  6. Reflect: Take a moment to capture any thoughts from the process. The more you write things down, with intention, the more your brain will take them as being serious.

Please feel free to use this worksheet for your own personal use, but not for commercial gain.

© Irrational Change, all rights reserved

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